8:45 P.M.

"Absolute Beginners" by David Bowie can be heard playing in the ballroom.

You walk along the edge of the pool towards the pool house. Behind you, you see the Big Bad Wolf come around the north corner of the house and disappear through a door north of the dining room.

Across the pool, you see Helen Asher step into the greenhouse. The Viking sees her, too, then turns to Icy Hot and Bernadette and says, "I'll be right back." With that, he jogs over towards the greenhouse.

Icy Hot and Bernadette step into the pool house. In the distance, you see Brother Vadge emerge through the French doors from the ballroom, striding towards you.

Just then, Little Red Riding Hood steps from the shadows and puts her arm around you, smiling, "Up for some poker?"

Suddenly, you hear a gunshot go off on the second floor.

If you follow Little Red Riding Hood into the pool house for a little strip poker action, click here.

Click here to lie down and take a quick nap.
