9:30 P.M.

"Macarena" by Los Del Rio...the dance sensation that's sweeping the nation...macarenas from the ballroom.

You sit, doing nothing.

Brother Foooz dives for the camera and books out of the pool house. The governor stays hot on his heels, screaming, ""STOP, YOU LITTLE PUKE! GIVE ME THAT CAMERA OR I'LL FUCKING DESTROY YOU!"

Without bothering to cover her beautiful naked breasts, Amanda dashes out after them. You hear the sounds of struggle outside, then you hear her scream, "GET THAT TO JACK MARSTON! HE'S DRESSED LIKE A SHEIK! I THINK HE WENT TO THE KITCHEN! IT'S IN THE NORTH CORNER OF THE HOUSE! RUN!"

There is the sound of somebody splashing into the pool as Gus, the Viking, scrambles to his feet and dashes out of the pool house.

Icy Hot and Bernadette watch the commotion, passing a pot pipe back and forth. Icy hands the pipe to you and says, "Want some?"

Bernadette shakes her head and says, "Jesus...what a night...well, what do you say, guys? One more hand? Winner fucks all?"

"Count me in," Icy drawls, eyeing her lustfully.

Bernadette deals you a two of spades, a queen of spades, a six of clubs, a ten of diamonds and a ten of hearts. "Are you in?" she asks. "If you're in, how many cards you want?"

If you keep the tens and ask for three cards, click here.

Click here to switch to Brother Foooz.
