Zzzzzzz....you wake with a start...

...what was that?

...my gosh, how long have you been sleeping?  What time is it?

Suddenly, you hear screams and unearthly noises from somewhere in the mansion.

What's going on?  It sounds like Hell on Earth!

Could it be that you've slept through the entire murder mystery game, and now you're in the middle of the KILLER ZOMBIE GAME?

No, of course not...that would be ridiculous...heh-heh...

Josh?  Is that you?

...oh no...that definitely sounded like zombies...

...you're so sorry...snot is running down your face as you sob...

...you're afraid to close your eyes and you're afraid to open them...

...yes, that was definitely a zombie...getting closer...closer...CLOSER...


You have been eaten by a zombie.  You are dead.