How's Your

How's my news?  Hoo, baby, I got your news right here, and plenty of it in this, the EIGHTH edition of the much-neglected Ol' Bait Shop website!

To start with, the Ol' Bait Shop Review section has been updated to include my picks for the Best of 2000...although nothing much else has changed there, since (a) I just can't seem to motivate my ass to update the damn thing and (b) Mr. Von Doviak already does such a damn fine job with the reviewing and whatnot...

...speaking of which, if you'd like to visit with the Baron, read his erudite prose and find out what's going on with his latest film (What I Like About You), simply click on one of the inverted Von Doviak heads above (from the criminally-neglected cult classic APOCALYPSE BOP, still on sale from the good people at E.I. Independent Cinema (and still available for viewing on the web, although you apparently have to pay money to see it the Ol' Bait Shop will presumably get a nice fat percentage of someday (one would hope)...

...and, as always, slightly more rarefied reviews can be had at the Movie Bastard website empire, along with swanky comics, tips on tourist fun in New England, photos of adorable tow-headed moppets and other good stuff like that there.

In other news, I recently discovered that my old friend MUFF (star of Apocalypse Bop, Puke, the Randolph Country Club and any room she walks into) has a fabulous website that may soon be featured in a new indie film called ON-LINE.

Which brings us to the really cool news.

OnLine (a.k.a. Internet Stories), which I co-wrote with the good-lookin' fellah pictured above (Jed Weintrob, who also directed), is a rollicking tale of life and love on the Internet featuring Josh Hamilton (Kicking & Screaming, Urbania), Harold Perrineau, Jr. (Oz, The Matrix 2), Isabelle Gillies (Metropolitan), Eric Millegan (Broadway's Jesus Christ Superstar), Vanessa Ferlito (who, among other things, appears as the girlfriend of mad dog hit man Mustang Sally in the current season of the Sopranos) and John Fleck (one of the notorious N.E.A. 4).

As for me, I appear in the movie as a bartender in the background of one of the club scenes (and, though the magic of editing, I also appear as one of the patrons waiting to get into the very same club!).  If you look close, you may also be able to spot me as a gay guy in sailor's cap at a bar in Akron, Ohio.

Anyway, watch this space for links to online OnLine webites and information about the movie as it travels around the international film festival circuit!

In other ME news, the treatments are going well and I'm very happy in my new life as a woman!  (No, I haven't actually become a transexual:  the above is a still from my great lost performance as Ed Wood in John Mitchell's great lost Super-8 classic about the great lost director).

The real news (besides OnLine) is...well, that script I wrote for Warner Bros. (and everything else in Hollywoodland) is currently in limbo thanks to the pesky Writer's Guild strike, so I have no idea what's coming up next in the wacky, chronic Los Angeles part of my life.

In the nice non-L.A. parts of my life, meanwhile, I just finished a mini-documentary (which I'm hoping to expand to feature length), I've got a couple other indie projects cooking and, of course, there's always the JFK conspiracy theories to keep me busy...

Stay tuned!